Tracking MEV Rewards

Validator MEV Stats

Stats by validator and stake account per epoch are available here. This includes tx links for the actual distributions. An API is also available for per validator MEV on a per epoch basis with details below. This data is also available via StakeNet.

All Epoch Rewards (specific validator)

You can get historical MEV rewards for a specific validator by vote account. This will return results for a specific validator, sorted by epoch. Note: MEV earned is pre-validator commission. However, the validator commission is included for each epoch so operator-specific MEV is easy to calculate.


GET /api/v1/validators/{vote_account}

  • Parameters: None

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "epoch": 608,
    "mev_commission_bps": 10000,
    "mev_rewards": 59355050
    "epoch": 607,
    "mev_commission_bps": 10000,
    "mev_rewards": 31870726
    "epoch": 605,
    "mev_commission_bps": 10000,
    "mev_rewards": 535874838
    "epoch": 604,
    "mev_commission_bps": 10000,
    "mev_rewards": 29926950

Specific Epoch Rewards (all validators)

To get MEV stats for all validators in a given epoch, use the following POST request. Note that the current epoch will have MEV rewards set to zero.


epoch: int

Example Request:

CURL -X POST  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"epoch":600}' 

Example Response:

  "validators": [
      "vote_account": "GdRKUZKdiXMEATjddQW6q4W8bPgXRBYJKayfeqdQcEPa",
      "mev_commission_bps": 10000,
      "mev_rewards": 4438669326,
      "running_jito": true,
      "active_stake": 57968373482697
      "vote_account": "B6nDYYLc2iwYqY3zdmavMmU9GjUL2hf79MkufviM2bXv",
      "mev_commission_bps": 500,
      "mev_rewards": 9214553780,
      "running_jito": true,
      "active_stake": 598871747692941
      "vote_account": "2PpHNHPLseBb4doTu1ajTwAxCrjmu7ubReDHKPrjxi9F",
      "mev_commission_bps": 800,
      "mev_rewards": 6123234290,
      "running_jito": true,
      "active_stake": 88295901191147

Network MEV Stats

Aggregate MEV rewards for the Jito Network are available via this API:


POST api/v1/mev_rewards

Code Samples:

//For the most recent epoch

//Sample return

//For specific epochs
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"epoch":596}'

//Sample return

Last updated