Validator MEV Stats
Stats by validator and stake account per epoch are available here . This includes tx links for the actual distributions. An API is also available for per validator MEV on a per epoch basis with details below. This data is also available via StakeNet .
All Epoch Rewards (specific validator)
You can get historical MEV rewards for a specific validator by vote account. This will return results for a specific validator, sorted by epoch. Note: MEV earned is pre-validator commission. However, the validator commission is included for each epoch so operator-specific MEV is easy to calculate.
GET /api/v1/validators/{vote_account}
Example Request:
Copy curl
Example Response:
Copy [
"epoch": 608,
"mev_commission_bps": 10000,
"mev_rewards": 59355050
"epoch": 607,
"mev_commission_bps": 10000,
"mev_rewards": 31870726
"epoch": 605,
"mev_commission_bps": 10000,
"mev_rewards": 535874838
"epoch": 604,
"mev_commission_bps": 10000,
"mev_rewards": 29926950
Specific Epoch Rewards (all validators)
To get MEV stats for all validators in a given epoch, use the following POST request. Note that the current epoch will have MEV rewards set to zero.
epoch: int
Example Request:
Copy CURL -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"epoch":600}'
Example Response:
Copy {
"validators": [
"vote_account": "GdRKUZKdiXMEATjddQW6q4W8bPgXRBYJKayfeqdQcEPa",
"mev_commission_bps": 10000,
"mev_rewards": 4438669326,
"running_jito": true,
"active_stake": 57968373482697
"vote_account": "B6nDYYLc2iwYqY3zdmavMmU9GjUL2hf79MkufviM2bXv",
"mev_commission_bps": 500,
"mev_rewards": 9214553780,
"running_jito": true,
"active_stake": 598871747692941
"vote_account": "2PpHNHPLseBb4doTu1ajTwAxCrjmu7ubReDHKPrjxi9F",
"mev_commission_bps": 800,
"mev_rewards": 6123234290,
"running_jito": true,
"active_stake": 88295901191147
Network MEV Stats
Aggregate MEV rewards for the Jito Network are available via this API:
POST api/v1/mev_rewards
Code Samples:
Copy //For the most recent epoch
//Sample return
//For specific epochs
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"epoch":596}'
//Sample return
Last updated 8 months ago