Tip Payment Program
As a searcher, how do I tip a validator?
Last updated
As a searcher, how do I tip a validator?
Last updated
The tip payment program solves the following problems:
Allows searchers and users to tip validators for better execution.
Allows searchers and users to transfer tips to a set of static public keys (compared to signing the same transaction with the next N leaders) and ensure they're paying the correct leader.
Allows bundles to execute in up to 8 parallel threads.
About the Design
The leader rotates every ~1.6s and searchers should have the opportunity to land their bundle on any number of leaders until the bundle expires without signing the same bundle multiple times. To do this, there is a static address that never changes and a config PDA that changes ownership over the tip account. Searchers can always transfer funds to this account and the bundle will pay the correct leader no matter what leader it lands on.
Furthermore, it's best to ensure that bundles aren't bottlenecked by write-locking a single static account. To fix that, there are eight tip accounts that remain static and searchers can randomly tip one of the eight accounts. This allows parallel bundle execution and their payment across multiple processing pipelines.
There are currently eight accounts, but in the future the program can leverage TxV2 to add more parallelization.